Damaged by the Delivery Driver!
Just my luck. The ROHN H50 was mishandled by the delivery driver.

This ROHN H50 suffered a rough delivery!
Antenna Mast Project Delayed
The freight company was quick to issue a replacement. I reported it Sunday night, and on Monday morning I received a notification from DX Engineering that a replacement was ordered and shipped.
The delivery driver decided to toss it over the unlocked gate, allowing one end to smash on the ground, and left the other end sticking out over the top of the gate. So I may end up with two masts, albeit one that may be +/- 10ft shorter than the other. Earlier this evening I used a mandrel and rubber mallet, and was able to round out all but one section before I ran out of daylight.
Helium Miner / ISM Band 915mhz Antenna

This mast was intended to support the ISM Band antenna at the top, an HF Dipole, and a Comet GP3 2m/70cm vertical. But those plans may change now.
K7FP Metalwerks

I ordered the H50 compatible version with the antenna mount at the end. The original plan was to put the ISM/Helium antenna at the top of the mast, and the GP-3 on the end of this standoff arm. The pulleys will allow me to hoist up the HF dipole.
If I end up with both masts, I will use the damaged unit to support the HF dipole and Comet GP-3, and use the full height mast for the ISM/Helium Miner antenna.
UPDATE: 08/08/21
The Good ‘Ol Exhaust Pipe Expander
Special Thanks to Thomas Giordano KE7LSU for recommending the correct tool for this job.
Using the Exhaust Pipe Expander I was able to round out the crushed sections. I stayed behind the rubber band as he suggested, and they came out nice and round. They now move freely within each other. I also found it useful to rotate the tool a few degrees and reapply it to get the best result. Now it’s like new. My HF Dipole will finally get some height, not to mention the greatly improved take-off angle. The Helium ISM Band antenna, and my 2m / 70cm vertical will mount atop the new ‘replacement’ mast. I’ll also have better physical separation from the QRO HF antennas.

Next: Anchor and Bracket the Helium Mast
I fashioned a couple of standoffs to use for bracketing the ROHN H50 to one of the uprights on my patio awning. The mast will also be guyed. With an extremely low wind load, I anticipate this mounting method will be safe and efficient.

ROHN GTMBL – Telescopic Mast Ground Mount
The ROHN GTMBL and the ERICO Ground Rod are in place. I had an issue with my handcrafted standoffs, but at least some progress was made today.
And then, there were TWO!

The ROHN H50 Twins!
ROHN UM50 Telescopic Mast Roof Mount
The ROHN UM50 is the perfect solution for the base mount to be used on the second mast. The second mast will mount on the side of the house where there is a concrete alley way, and nowhere to use a typical ground mount stake.

The UM50 will be screwed down to a base comprised of a 2ft x 4ft piece of 3/4″ plywood. I plan to keep it in place using sandbags, and bracketing at the edge of the roof. Solid as a rock, and again, practically no wind loading on a wire dipole antenna.
A bit of re-engineering required
I hope to sort out my issue with the standoffs quickly. These standoffs are the ‘last frontier’ in the mounting process. Once sorted I will be able to get the mast in place.
Making some head way!